Emissions from generating electricity account for the largest chunk of U.S. greenhouse gases, nearly 40 percent. Transportation emissions are close behind, contributing about one-third of U.S. production of carbon dioxide. States with mass transit and cities, such as New York, come out cleaner than those with wide expanses that rely solely on cars, trucks and airplanes, like Alaska. Alaska, which stands out for its carbon dioxide production, also stands out as one of the early victims of climate change. Its glaciers are melting, its permafrost thawing, and coastal and island villages will soon be swallowed by the sea. Alaska ranked No. 1 in per-person emissions for transportation, which includes driving, flying, shipping and rail traffic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOY THERE'S A LOT OF FACTS AND FIGURES TO DIGEST WHEN CONSIDERING THE IMPACT WE EACH HAVE ON THE GLOBAL CLIMATE . . . . . . . . . . .I SOMETIMES WONDER IF HUMAN BEINGS ARE CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING THE E...