after surviving on planet earth for many years i have concluded that the best ,most efficient transportation device is a bicycle^^^not everyone can use the bike for different reasons eg.disability or whatever^^^but for the majority it is unbeatable^^^i have used the bike on a dailey basis for over 20 years in winter and summer^^^some tips on biking^^^^^#1 avoid riding on sharp gravel or rocks ^^^it is particularily damaging to tires^^#2^^ride on the sidewalk whenever it is empty of pedestrians^^if there are pedestrians on the sidewalk simply dismount and walk the bike^^^this tip is especially important for saftey reasons ^^^cars and bikes dont mix regardless of what some would have you believe^^^#3 install a carrier behind the seat to carry newspapers,groceries is far better to hop on the bike to pick up a liter of milk from the store than to use a 2 ton monster aka: "car" to do the same thing^^^#4^^for safety reasons slow down and be extra cautious when approaching a driveway^^^cars backing out are a hazard you can do without^^^especially if there is a hedge or tree obstructing the view^^^^ed:note i will try to add more tips in future posts


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