. . . . . . . . . . AND THE ENEMY IS US . . . .SO SAID THE COMIC BOOK CHARACTER "POGO" . . . . . . . . . . .Nuclear power technology has advanced since the Atucha II plants were drawn up in the late 1970s. Indeed, in their plans for another one, maybe two, additional 740-megawatt nuclear plants, Argentine government officials are discussing more up-to-date designs with state-owned Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, or AECL. . . . . . . . . . . . .THE ABOVE NEWS ITEM REFERS TO PLANS THE ARGENTINE GOV'T HAS OF COMPLETING CONSTRUCTION OF THEIR DELAYED NUCLEAR POWER STATION with the help (?) of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd . . . . . . . .Also it seems that "our"AECL has been pretty busy lately .They are also partners of a just announced deal where Alberta will build a nuclear power plant to supply electricity for the gigantic mega projects in the Alberta Oil Sands. . . . .Go figure.whatever happened to clean green energy everyone was talking about?? . . . .ARE WE OUR OWN WORST ENEMY ? . . . . .THE AECL IS A CANADIAN CONTROLLED COMPANY AND YET THEY ARE STILL PROMOTING NUCLEAR AS A CLEAN ENERGY . . .AT THE SAME TIME "OUR GOV'T" BRAGS ABOUT CLEAN GREEN ENVIRONMENT .NUCLEAR IS NOT CLEAN ENERGY. . . .COULD THIS BE AN ELECTION ISSUE ? TIME WILL TELL.