Alaska oil drilling plan attacked

Environmental groups say walruses are among the marine life that will be affected [EPA]
Environmental groups have expressed outrage over a decision by the US government to open a huge area off Alaska's northwest coast for oil drilling.
The groups say the industrial activity will harm polar bears, walruses and other marine life in the region, especially in the event of an oil spill.

The 120,000 square kilometres of ocean floor on the outer continental shelf of the Chukchi Sea to be put up for lease next month is one of the largest offshore drilling areas ever put up for auction in Alaska.

It would be the first federal oil and gas lease sale in the Chukchi Sea outer continental shelf since 1991.
The US Minerals Management Service (MMS) estimates that it contains 15 billion barrels of conventionally recoverable oil and 2.18 trillion cubic metres of conventionally recoverable natural gas.
It means big business for big oil companies but environmental groups say the decision was made without gathering proper information or taking into account changes in the Arctic brought on by global warming.
"This is an irresponsible move we should be looking at more renewable energy projects to solve our energy crisis, not opening up sensitive areas to oil and gas drilling," Greenpeace said.


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