^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Paris, International — We bring news of one of the biggest weddings of the year, between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
A lavish affair, the bride will be escorted down the aisle by the German car industry, which has provided a very dirty dowry for the happy couple. But, as France and Germany look set to get into bed together, we’re sad to say we won’t be hearing the pitter-patter of tiny feet any time soon.Instead, we’ll hear the continued roaring and revving of climate-crashing, gas-guzzling car engines. The wedding – which will cost EU citizens dearly and be held at the expense of planet Earth - will take place on 9 June during the Franco-German Blaesheim Summit. The happy couple will share the top table with the transport sector, they will be celebrating and dancing long into the night. An exquisite wedding cake has been baked, although nobody outside of France or Germany can expect to be offered a slice. And remember … that won’t be a bouquet you’ll see Merkel tossing blissfully over her shoulder – it’ll be the climate objectives of France and Germany.
Wedding Presence We thought it’d only be polite to lay on a special treat for the pair – so today, a wedding cortege composed of the most-polluting German cars travelled along the Champs Elysée to distribute the wedding invitations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GERMANY AND FRANCE ARE CONSPIRING TO AVOID NEW REGULATIONS ON GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS AT THE EXPENSE OF PLANET EARTH. . . .. . . . .THESE TWO COUNTRIES ARE VERY HEAVILY INVOLVED IN THE MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF AUTOMOBILES WORLD WIDE . . .THROUGH . .THEIR BRANCH PLANTS. . . .ITS ABOUT TIME . . .THEY . .ACT . .MORE RESPONSIBLY TOWARDS THE PLANET'S FRAGILE ENVIRONMENT.
A lavish affair, the bride will be escorted down the aisle by the German car industry, which has provided a very dirty dowry for the happy couple. But, as France and Germany look set to get into bed together, we’re sad to say we won’t be hearing the pitter-patter of tiny feet any time soon.Instead, we’ll hear the continued roaring and revving of climate-crashing, gas-guzzling car engines. The wedding – which will cost EU citizens dearly and be held at the expense of planet Earth - will take place on 9 June during the Franco-German Blaesheim Summit. The happy couple will share the top table with the transport sector, they will be celebrating and dancing long into the night. An exquisite wedding cake has been baked, although nobody outside of France or Germany can expect to be offered a slice. And remember … that won’t be a bouquet you’ll see Merkel tossing blissfully over her shoulder – it’ll be the climate objectives of France and Germany.
Wedding Presence We thought it’d only be polite to lay on a special treat for the pair – so today, a wedding cortege composed of the most-polluting German cars travelled along the Champs Elysée to distribute the wedding invitations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GERMANY AND FRANCE ARE CONSPIRING TO AVOID NEW REGULATIONS ON GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS AT THE EXPENSE OF PLANET EARTH. . . .. . . . .THESE TWO COUNTRIES ARE VERY HEAVILY INVOLVED IN THE MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF AUTOMOBILES WORLD WIDE . . .THROUGH . .THEIR BRANCH PLANTS. . . .ITS ABOUT TIME . . .THEY . .ACT . .MORE RESPONSIBLY TOWARDS THE PLANET'S FRAGILE ENVIRONMENT.