oil sands facts
Here's some more oilsands facts to chew on:1. 600 million cubic feet of natural gas is used each day in the extraction process.2. One barrel of oil from the oilsands produces 3 times more greenhouse gasses than producing a barrel of conventional oil.3. 349 million cubic meters of water is diverted each year from the Athabasca River - more than twice the water used by the city of Calgary.4. 90% of the water ends up in the tailing ponds.5. Tailing ponds currently cover 50 sq. km in surface area.6. Suncor has reclaimed only 9% of the land it has mined since 1967.7. Syncrude has reclaimed only 22% of the land it has mined.8. None of the reclaimed land by either Syncrude or Suncor has been certified as reclaimed by the Alberta Government.9. 3,000 sq. km. of boreal forest is leased to oilsands developers.10. 35,680 sq. km. of boreal forest is leased for deep oilsands development. (an area larger than Vancouver Island)11. Alberta is ranked as the largest emitter of greenhouse gasses in Canada with over ONE BILLION kg of emissions.12. Computer modelling of current oilsands projects shows nitrogen and sulphur oxides pollution that will cause severe smog and acid rain.