In two short weeks, Georgia has redefined the relationship between Russia and the West and created a vastly different global dynamic.

For many people, this war was never really just about territory or ideology, it was about influence over a vital energy corridor to the West.

Georgia is home to one of the world's most important pieces of infrastructure, a pipeline which carries oil from the Caspian Sea to Europe.

Construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline began in 2003 and was completed in 2005.

Even then Georgians knew it would probably make this country much more important to the rest of the world.

The BTC pipeline is the second-longest oil pipeline in the world, carrying 1.2 million barrels of crude every day on a journey from the Caspian Sea, straight through to the Mediterranean.

It stretches from Baku in Azerbaijan, through Georgia, passing very close to the capital Tbilisi and then travelling on to the Turkish coastline where the oil is shipped to hungry western markets. . . . . . . . . .THOSE HUNGRY WESTERN MARKETS CONSISTS MAINLY OF ONE BILLION MOTOR VEHICLES WAITING FOR THE NEXT SHIPMENT OF CRUDE OIL FROM BAKU . . . . .THIS SEPTEMBER 22-2008(MONDAY) HUNDREDS OF CITIES ALL OVER THE WORLD WILL CELEBRATE "CAR FREE DAY" . . . PLEASE OBSERVE THIS FESTIVE DAY AND SEND A MESSAGE TO THE GAS GUZZLERS "NO WAR FOR OIL" AND MAYBE SAVE THE PLANET IN THE PROCESS.


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