The Detroit 3 are pushing hard for $50 billion in low interest loans to keep factories running, build new ones and create alternative powertrains. Presidential candidate Barak Obama has already endorsed $50 billion in loans and Republican nominee John McCain has signed on for $25 billion in loans already guaranteed in the 2007 energy bill. If Ralph Nader were elected to office (won't happen), he would be against such a loan. Nader told a group of supporters in the Detroit area that "tax payers should not be played for a sucker," and that decades of bad decisions by automakers means that no such government assistance is deserved. . . . . .I WOULD VOTE FOR RALPH NADER IF I COULD . . . . .GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR UNSUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIES THAT PRODUCE PRODUCTS THAT DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT IS TRULY UNDESERVED. . . .I WOULD RATHER SEE THE $50 BILLION INVESTED IN "GREEN COLLAR" JOBS THAT PRESERVES THE ENVIRONMENT NOT "BLUE COLLAR" JOBS THAT DO THE OPPOSITE.