. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Fed on Tuesday announced that it was reducing its target for the federal funds rate to between zero and 0.25 percent, down from 1 percent, a level that was already the lowest target rate in a half century.
And the central bank pledged to use "all available tools" to fight the current downturn. It said it was likely that rates would be kept at "exceptionally low levels" for some time to come. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ."forever grow the economy with limited depleted resources" ..my quote ...the above statement by the federal reserve of USA to cut interest rate yet again so that people can buy more SUVS and big ticket appliances houses,etc shows how inept the present gov't in canada and USA is.Deficit spending and low interest rate for consumer loans is DINASOUR ECONOMICS . . . . .LOOK AT THE ABOVE PHOTO AT A RECENT RALLY AT CITY HALL SQUARE TORONTO,CANADA . . . . .THAT BIG SIGN SAYS IT ALL....."A RACE TO EXTINCTION" ..if this present economic policy continues.
And the central bank pledged to use "all available tools" to fight the current downturn. It said it was likely that rates would be kept at "exceptionally low levels" for some time to come. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ."forever grow the economy with limited depleted resources" ..my quote ...the above statement by the federal reserve of USA to cut interest rate yet again so that people can buy more SUVS and big ticket appliances houses,etc shows how inept the present gov't in canada and USA is.Deficit spending and low interest rate for consumer loans is DINASOUR ECONOMICS . . . . .LOOK AT THE ABOVE PHOTO AT A RECENT RALLY AT CITY HALL SQUARE TORONTO,CANADA . . . . .THAT BIG SIGN SAYS IT ALL....."A RACE TO EXTINCTION" ..if this present economic policy continues.