. . . . .Pushed by the Ontario government to recycle organics, municipalities collected 251,368 tonnes of kitchen scraps in green bins in 2007 – a jump of nearly 30 per cent over 2006. Those numbers will only go higher. Toronto is expanding its green bin program into apartments, increasing organic collections from about 115,000 tonnes a year to 170,000 tonnes within the next 16 months.

The green bin program has grown so fast that it has outstripped the ability of municipalities to process the organics locally, creating a new carbon footprint since the material is trucked to facilities hundreds of kilometres away.

The program collects mountains of leftover steak, hamburgers, vegetables and (depending on the municipality) diapers and pet waste, diverting them from the landfills into compost. It is the meat products that tend to cause the odours. . . . . .STRONG ODOURS FROM ORGANIC WASTE HAVE CAUSED 2 PROCESSING FACILITIES TO CLOSE .. . .ITS A MYSTERY TO ME WHY THESE ODOURS (METHANE GAS) HAVE NOT BEEN CAPTURED AND TURNED INTO VALUABLE PRODUCTS USED IN POWER GENERATION. . . . .ONTARIO GOVERNMENT . . .PLEASE TAKE NOTE . . . .SHIPPING THE WASTE TO FAR OFF NEW YORK STATE IS VERY CARBON INTENSIVE . . AND NOT GREEN.


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