2.5 billion gallons of water DAILY were siphoned off the hudson river in new york state by a nuclear power plant. . . .and then dumped back in the same day (after use in reactor cooling and steam generation) at a much higher temperature resulting in negative effects on the new york water supply . . . . CAN THE SAME THING BE HAPPENING AT PICKERING ??. . . .TAKE A GUESS . . INDIAN POINT CERTIFICATE DENIED www.recordonline.com APRIL 3-2010 . . .INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR STATION ON THE HUDSON RIVER IN NEW YORK STATE WAS DENIED A PERMIT TO CONTINUE USING WATER FROM THE HUDSON RIVER BY THE ENVIRONMENT DEPT. REGULATOR DUE TO THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF THE PLANT ON THE WATER QUALITY OF THE STATE'S WATER SUPPLY AND MARINE/AQUATIC LIFE.
. . http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN0413003220100404 SUNDAY APRIL 4 2010 . .NEWS ARTICLE REUTERS ON INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR REACTOR ,NEW YORK STATE


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