. . . . . .Brazil: World’s fourth largest climate polluter Deforestation is responsible for three quarters of Brazil's greenhouse gas emissions, and makes the country the fourth largest climate polluter in the world. Our exhibition using the Brazil nut tree to highlight this has wide support across the country. Governors of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo have already confirmed their attendance.Brazil wants to be recognized as a serious player on the international stage, yet can’t even uphold its own constitution in the Amazon. Greenpeace is calling for including deforestation in the post-2012 Kyoto climate regime to be discussed in Bali, Indonesia this December. As Marcelo Maquesini, one of the team trapped inside the Ibama office said, "If Brazil is to be taken seriously by the international community in negotiations on climate, biodiversity or human rights, then they need to be able to enforce basic law and order in the areas where forests are being destroyed." . . . . .. . .. .. ... . . . . . . . .. . . . .this news excerpt is from a greenpeace website . . . .and shows how . . .widespread . . . . . the problem of climate change . . . . . . . . .IT IS NOT ONLY A CANADA AND THE USA PROBLEM.


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