Eighty-one workers and five rescue personnel abandoned a subcontractor's drilling rig known as the Usumacinta on Tuesday, after it hit the Kab 101 light-production platform and damaged a valve amid 25-foot (8-meter) waves and winds gusting to 80 mph (130 kph)."All night long I was alone at sea, sad, and thinking of my family," survivor Jesus Manuel Garcia, who floated on the ocean for 16 hours before his rescue off the Gulf coast state of Tabasco, told the Televisa television network in an interview Thursday. "I saw a lot of my colleagues floating around. ... Thank God I get a second chance."Another survivor, Eder Ortega Flores, 25, told Televisa that workers abandoned the rig and braved the raging seas only after leaking gas rose to unbearable levels and the supply of air from emergency breathing devices ran out.Flores said the covered life raft in which he and others escaped broke apart under the force of the waves and "all my co-workers went into the sea."Flores was able to swim to shore early Wednesday after treading water through the night. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .NOTE:19 DEAD,STILL SOME MISSING.


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