. . FORGOTTEN . . . BUT . .NOT . . . GONE . . . .NUCLEAR . . . WASTE .
Each reactor typically creates about 20 tons of waste a year, which is approximately two new casks, at roughly $1 million each. If a repository or interim site opened, clearing the backlog would take decades, experts say. At present, waste is in temporary storage at 122 sites in 39 states.
The Energy Department has launched an initiative to gather the waste and run it through a factory to recover re-usable components, which would allow centralized storage, but that program’s prospects are highly uncertain.
The government has spent $11 billion on Yucca Mountain, Mr. Sproat said. The project has dragged on so long that some of the research data is stored on obsolete computers that must be replaced, program officials said. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WHEN . . .CONSIDERING . . .NUCLEAR .POWER . . .DON'T . . FORGET . . . .THE . . .WASTE. . . . . . . . .FOR ..MORE . . DETAILS/INFO. . . .ON . .THIS . .PROBLEM . . ABOUT . . .NUCLEAR . . . POWER . . .LOOK...UP . . NEW YORK . . TIMES . . .FEBRUARY . .17-2008.


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