. . . . .Check out our list of facts on cars and global warming. Then, take action in support of national global warming action! - - 232 million - - Number of registered vehicles in the U.S. That's almost one per person! - - - - - -600---gallons -- - - Average amount of gasoline consumed by one U.S. car each year. - - - - - - -12,000- -pounds - - - Amount of carbon dioxide emitted from one U.S. car each year. - - - - - - - -240 - - - - - - - - Number of trees needed to absorb the 12,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emitted from one U.S. car each year. - - - - - - - 2.7 trillion - - - - - - - Number of miles U.S. cars and light trucks traveled in 2004. That's the equivalent of taking 10 million trips to the moon. - - - - - - -5 % - - - - - - -- - - - -- - Percent U.S. population is of the world population. - - - - - -30 % - - - - - -- - -- - - Percent of world's automobiles in the United States. - - - - - 45 % - - - - - - - - - - - Percent that the United States contributes to the world's automotive carbon dioxide emissions. Number of car companies that support a national cap on global warming emissions. They are Ford, General Motors, DaimlerChrysler and Toyota. - - - - - - -- ---- 0 - - - - - - - - - - - Number of bills passed by Congress to cut global warming pollution.