Dec 13, 2007 04:30 AM peter calamai science reporter
Concern over the shortage of medical isotopes is not the only reason the Harper government has chosen to make Canada a nuclear safety outlaw, and it may not even be the overriding one.
Two other concerns likely figure in the government's decision to do an end run around the country's nuclear safety watchdog – the impending privatization of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL), a federal Crown corporation, and getting regulatory approval for a new generation of Candu reactors.
The prospects for both are improved by undermining the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, the independent body that regulates all nuclear matters in the country, from the Pickering power reactor to the radioactive tritium that makes exit signs glow. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .THE TORONTO STAR NEWSPAPER HAS A MORE ACCURATE ASSESMENT OF THE RECENT CONTROVERSY ABOUT THE NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISOTOPES . . . . . . . . THE GOVERNMENT HAS OVER-RULED THE SAFTEY REGULATOR .(ABOVE ARTICLE IN TORONTO STAR DEC 13-2007)


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