. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .As a result, South Korea too will have to prepare to reduce greenhouse gases. Until recently, the country had no obligation as it was classified as a developing nation. But as the world’s ninth largest greenhouse gas emitter and the world's 11th largest economy, the country is expected to face pressure from developed countries to set a higher target. "We need to replace the current carbon energy-based economic structure with a structure using low carbon, clean energy technologies,” said Choi Jae-chul, the director general of the International Economic Affairs Bureau at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
South Korea will find it virtually impossible to continue its free ride. According to the 2004 UN Development Program report, South Korea ranked ninth in the world in carbon dioxide emission, recording a staggering 93 percent increase in emissions since 1990, the third highest after China (103 percent) and India (97 percent) in the top 10 countries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AT THE RECENT CLIMATE CONFERENCE IN . .BALI, INDONESIA . . . . . . . . . . . . .IT . . . .WAS REVEALED THAT . . NOT ONLY . .THE . .USA . . AND . .CANADA . . . WERE . . . EMMITING . . .GREENHOUSE . . .GASES . . BUT . . .COUNTRIES . .LIKE . . .SOUTH KOREA . . .AS ..WELL.


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