An oil tanker off the west coast of South Korea has been hit by a barge, causing thousands of tonnes of oil to spill into the Yellow Sea, South Korea's maritime ministry says.
The collision at about 7:30am local time (2230 GMT) on Thursday left holes in three containers aboard the Hong Kong-registered Hebei Spirit, a ministry official said.
Lee Jang-hoon said the barge ship was being towed and "collided with the oil tanker at anchor, breaching the cargo section and leaking crude oil".
He said that because the ship had tilted slightly "it's unlikely there will be huge additional spills".
The 146,000-tonne tanker was struck while at anchor off Daesan port in the Taean region.
There were no human casualties in the accident, but the extent of its potential damage to communities or wildlife in the area was not immediately clear, another ministry official said.The maritime ministry said the Hebei Spirit had already leaked about 10,800 tonnes of crude oil into the sea near one of the country's most scenic coastlines. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .THE OIL SPILLS THAT ARE HAPPENING AROUND THE WORLD OCCUR SO OFTEN THAT ITS CONSIDERED ROUTINE . . . . . . THIS OIL SPILL . . OFF THE COAST OF KOREA . . . .ON . .DECEMBER 13-2007 . . . .HAS . . .DUMPED ALMOST ELEVEN THOUSAND . . . . . .TONNES . . .OF OIL . . . INTO THE SEA . . . . . . . . . NOT ONLY IS THE LAND AND AIR . . . THREATENED . . . BY OUR . . INSATIABLE THIRST FOR OIL . . .BUT THE OCEANS . . . . . WE . . .HAVE TO BREAK THIS DEPENDENCY WHICH IS CAUSING SO MUCH DESTRUCTION TO OUR PLANET . . . . A GIANT STEP IN THIS GOAL WOULD BE TO . . STOP MANUFACTURING MORE AND MORE CARS AND TRUCKS THAT NEED MORE AND MORE OIL.