dr david hill (q and a)

Q. What are humankind's main problems in the twenty-first century? A. The main problem for humankind in this present century are immense, the greatest that they have ever had to address. Indeed, if we do not get our act together as a species, we run the very high risk of our extinction. I say this with a heavy heart, but where the present economic development system is inherently flawed greatly in that we are all grasping for the world's finite resources that one-day will run out. We are only now starting to appreciate that we have to have a sustainable mechanism but where again I have sadly to say that there is still little evidence that the rhetoric by our politicians and global industrialists is turning into anything but a recipe for humankind's total demise.

In this respect as nations vie for the world's continually depleting resources; we are coming closer to eventual conflict through the lack of such resources. This therefore cannot be good for humankind in the long run. Consequently, we have at some stage to start working for the whole planet and not just for nationalistic benefits to the demise of all others. The shareholder mentality has a great deal to answer here, as large companies have to increase wealth year-on-year. But where if we had a more innovative approach to business and sustainability, the world would prevent many of the problems that are now on the horizon for humankind. I do not have to go into great detail about what these are but give the following list, 1. Global Warming 2. Energy Security, Increasing Primary Energy Demand, Depleting Mineral Resources and Increasing global Pollution 3. International Terrorism and Fanaticism 4. Population Growth and its underlying consequences on Mother Earth 5. Famine and Food Security 6. Draught and acute water shortages to preserve life 7. Pandemics 8. Deforestation and Desertification 9. Increasing Natural Disasters brought about by 1 above 10. Increasing Environmental Disasters due to 1, 2, 4, 5 above .


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