On 15 February 2008, former chief Robert Lovelace began serving 6 months in jail for refusing to comply with a court injunction, while following Algonquin law to protect the land. The charge stems from his participation in the Ardoch Alliance protest against uranium exploration on unceded Algonquin land near Sharbot Lake, Ontario. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .his . . .crime . . .?? . . . . .preventing . . . the . .destruction . . of . . .30,000 acres . .of . . .forests . . . .and . . rivers . . .in . .the . . kingston/ottawa . . .region . . . . . . To . .get . .at ....the . .uranium . . .it . .is . .necessary . . .to .. . .remove . . .the . .blanket . . of . .trees . . .and . . replace . .it . . with . . .a . .moonlike.. . .landscape . . polluted ..completely . . .devoid . .of . . .life.