High level radioactive waste (also known as irradiated or spent fuel) is the used uranium fuel from nuclear power and research reactors. Each fuel bundle from a power reactor weighs about 24 kilograms, and at the end of 2002 there were 1.7 million fuel bundles at Canadian nuclear facilities (about 40,000 metric tonnes). Without an early nuclear phaseout, an additional 2 million fuel bundles (about 45,000 metric tonnes) will be produced. Thus total production could mount to 3.7 million fuel bundles weighing about 85,000 tonnes. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . ... ... . . . ... . . . . . .QUESTION TO DALTON MCGUINTY AND JOHN TORY . . . . . . . . . . . .WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH 85,000 TONNES OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE . . . ? ? .. . .THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY HAS NOT YET SOLVED THIS PROBLEM TO THE SATISFACTION OF SAFTEY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS. . . . . . . .NOTE TO ONTARIO VOTERS . . . . . .BOTH THESE HONORABLE GENTLEMEN SUPPORT CONSTRUCTION AND INCREASING NUCLEAR POWER FOR ONTARIO. . . . . . . .UNLESS THEY PUBLICALLY REJECT NUCLEAR . . . . PLEASE DON'T VOTE FOR THEM . . . .FOR THE SAKE OF PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS OF ONTARIONS . . . .GIVE YOUR ANSWER TO THE BALLOT BOX THIS COMING OCTOBER 10-ELECTION IN ONTARIO . . . . . .NOTE:EXPECTED TEMPERATURE TODAY SEPTEMBER 25-07 IS 32DEGREES CELCIUS OR 90 + DEGREES F. . .vote for clean green energy and conservation(nuclear is not clean,green or safe)


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