. . . . . . . . . . . . . .LECTURE AT CITY HALL THIS PAST WEEK BY DR.HUGHES WHO SPENT OVER 30 YEARS IN COLLECTING AND ANALIZING DATA ABOUT WORLD ENERGY RESOURCES FOR VARIOUS COMPANIES INCLUDING GOV'T'S. . . . . . . . . . . . . .IN HIS TALK WHICH LASTED ALMOST 2 HOURS,HE GAVE OUT REAMS AND REAMS OF DATA ABOUT WORLD ENERGY SUPPLY AND DEMAND .THE TALK WAS BACKED UP WITH DOCUMENTED REFERENCES AS TO SOURCE AND ALSO WAS DISPLAYED ON A LARGE SCREEN IN THE FORM OF GRAPHS ETC.ALMOST LIKE AL GORE'S MOVIE. . . . . . . . . . . . his conclusion at the end of the talk was that the world has reached a plateau in supply of cheap energy and will start to decline in the near future. . . . . His recommendation to the world is to reduce demand and become more efficient in energy use and most important be frugal in the use of energy in all forms in all ways. . . . . . I respectfully agree.


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