Forward this e-mail to your entire personal directory now, today.It's a small time commitment with a huge and lasting payoff for you, family, friends and Ontario. The more friends you touch, and the more they pass it on, the closer we get to Victory for MMP.Together, using the internet, we can break through to a new politics. Well detour the old guard roadblocks, beat the threshold, and earn a fair voting system.We need MMP for two votes and better democracy. We can use the internet to make history together. Make Ontario democracy better on October 10. Campaign and Vote for MMP.Visit http://voteformmp.ca/919update for your daily dose of campaign activities and happenings, including all the fun - and serious - ways we are spreading the message that MMP will deliver more choice, fairer results and stronger representation. . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTE:IN THE UPCOMING PROVINCIAL ELECTION OCT 10-2007(ONTARIO) voters will have a chance to vote for or against the new voting system for Ontario . . . . . . . . I will vote in favour of a new system.WHAT ABOUT YOU ? AND YOU ?
Forward this e-mail to your entire personal directory now, today.It's a small time commitment with a huge and lasting payoff for you, family, friends and Ontario. The more friends you touch, and the more they pass it on, the closer we get to Victory for MMP.Together, using the internet, we can break through to a new politics. Well detour the old guard roadblocks, beat the threshold, and earn a fair voting system.We need MMP for two votes and better democracy. We can use the internet to make history together. Make Ontario democracy better on October 10. Campaign and Vote for MMP.Visit http://voteformmp.ca/919update for your daily dose of campaign activities and happenings, including all the fun - and serious - ways we are spreading the message that MMP will deliver more choice, fairer results and stronger representation. . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTE:IN THE UPCOMING PROVINCIAL ELECTION OCT 10-2007(ONTARIO) voters will have a chance to vote for or against the new voting system for Ontario . . . . . . . . I will vote in favour of a new system.WHAT ABOUT YOU ? AND YOU ?