. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .GREEN PARTY HAS SUGGESTED A HIGHER GAS TAX . . . . . . its about time some good ideas are discussed . . . . . . . presently most of the profits from the high oil prices are funneled into the over stuffed bank accounts of the oil companies. . . .Its hard to believe that we here in Canada and the USA . . . .THINK ITS QUITE ACCEPTABLE TO REWARD CERTAIN INDUSTRIES WITH HUGE PROFITS SO THAT THEY CAN PLUNDER THE EARTH'S RESOURCES WITH IMPUNITY AND THUS DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE PROCESS . . . . . .HOW GULLIBLE WE ARE. . . . . . . .IN THE U.K.THE PEOPLE PAY A TAX OF OVER . . . .fifty percent . . . .for each liter of gas they buy,but in glutenous Canada and USA THE TAX RATE FOR GAS ONLY APPROXIMATELY 13 PERCENT . . .and still the people complain ad nauseum . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

It is what we call the “Green Tax Shift”. We wouldn’t be raising gas taxes to collect more money and divvy it up amongst ourselves and our friends but rather we would simultaneously lower income taxes across the board benefiting all Ontarians.

What does this do? Well when you pay lower income taxes, you keep more of the money you earned. You pay tax when you use up finite resources like land, water, electricity and GASOLINE. So a tax shift like this provides an incentive all the way from the oil companies, car makers, gas stations to improve efficiencies, reduce waste and remain competitive. And finally we the consumer get to make the final choice based on our lifestyle choices about how much tax we wish to pay.

Tax shifting already occurs to a certain extent in our society but the Green Party believes a much more extensive reform of our tax system is necessary to ensure fairness, improve efficiencies and raise our standard of living.


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